Introduction and Overview
If you don’t have access to Free Trial, sign up here
Thank you for taking a free trial of Anvilogic. During this 30 day trial you will be given access to a shared Anvilogic platform account. While this account will not have any production data or connect to your security analytics environment, you can use this free trial environment to get a feel for a few of the available features and workflows in Anvilogic.
A pilot or product deployment will have far more capabilities and features, but using this environment will enable you to experience:
Anvilogic’s detection engineering workflow, including adding detections to the workspace, creating tasks, and editing content
Security detection content provided by Anvilogic’s purple-team-as-a-service (the Forge) in the Anvilogic Armory
Building your own custom high-fidelity detections using Anvilogic’s no-code scenario builder
Reviewing MITRE ATT&CK coverage and gaps
ML-driven detection tuning and health insights for streamlining maintenance
ML- and human-driven hunting insights for high fidelity detections you might otherwise never detect
In order to test all of the features and benefits of Anvilogic, reach out to our sales team and ask for a no-cost and no-obligation full production pilot. In addition to the above features, you will also get to test out:
Multiple data platform support and security vendor alert integration for a truly integrated view of detections regardless of where your data lives
Actual deployment and testing of Anvilogic’s detection content in your environment on your data
Anvilogic native triage and 3rd-party workflow integration
The process of walking through the interface is described in step-by-step detail throughout the rest of this guide. Alternatively, if you'd rather have a video walk-through that you can work along with, you can find a playlist here or embedded throughout the following pages.
Last updated
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