Log in and set your password

Log in for the first time and set your password on the Anvilogic platform.

Your welcome packet email from Anvilogic contains a link to log in to the Anvilogic platform for the first time. You must change your password the first time you log in to the Anvilogic platform.

  1. Make sure you are a user with administrator privileges on the Anvilogic platform.

  2. Click Set Password in the welcome package email. You are directed to set password page.

  3. Enter the email address with which you have registered. This email address must match the email address that the welcome email was sent to.

  4. Enter a password meeting the password requirements.

  5. Re-enter the password for confirmation.

  6. Review the Master service agreement and the privacy policy and click on the check box indicating your consent.

  7. Click Submit.

After you log in, you will see the first screen of the guided onboarding.

Click Let's Start to begin.

Last updated