Introduction and Overview

If you don’t have access to Free Trial, sign up here

Thank you for taking a free trial of Anvilogic. During this 30 day trial you will be given your own Anvilogic platform account and will be able to connect it with your own data in Snowflake (in your Snowflake account or hosted for you in ours), Splunk Cloud, or Microsoft Azure Log Analytics.

Free trials are meant to allow you try many of Anvilogic's features and benefits, quickly and with a minimal amount of effort. This includes:

  • Simple connectivity to your log data and security vendor alerting tools wherever it lives

  • Automatic deployment of security detection content provided by Anvilogic’s purple-team-as-a-service (the Forge) in the Anvilogic Armory

  • ML-driven automated tuning and hunting insights for real-world detections and investigations

  • Using Anvilogic to assess your data and detections against your customized MITRE ATT&CK Framework

  • Building your own custom detections using Anvilogic’s low-code Unified Detect AI-assisted detection builder

In order to learn more about all of the features and benefits of Anvilogic, reach out to our sales team for a demo and pricing.

The process of walking through the free trial setup and deployment is described in step-by-step detail throughout the rest of this guide.

Last updated

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